Oh, girls, you are sooooo gonna hate Cary Carbonaro’s ex-husband. But you are so going to love her book.
Carbonaro, a nationally recognized certified financial planner based in Clermont, is this week releasing her first book, “The Money Queen’s Guide.” The subtitle is “For Women Who Want to Build Wealth and Banish Fear.” Last week, the book hit No. 1 New Release on Amazon.com before it even was available.
The book makes a link between self-esteem and money that will resonate with plenty of women readers, regardless of whether they are married or single. For Carbonaro herself, it was a protracted and vicious divorce that got her attention and demanded that she plan her financial future, something most of us neglect. And, hey, she is a financial planner.
And therein is the comforting message: Failure to plan can happen even to the pros, but it doesn’t have to happen to you.
Once Carbonaro gets that notion across, she’s off and running in a book that, like the author herself, bubbles cheerfully and sweeps the reader easily along.